Individual, group and leadership development
The potential in individuals and groups
People create change. By working in a focused way to develop the potential and effectiveness of individuals, groups and leaders, Prové creates the conditions to bring about change and genuinely increase operational benefit. We have long experience and quality-assured methods for individual, group and leadership development. Our methods are founded on experience-based learning. Participants build their power to go from words to action by reflecting and learning from their experiences.
Prové works according to the principles that trust is the basis for all development, faith in the responsibility of the individual and a constant focus on business benefit.
Public sector
Group development in a municipal enterprise
A strategically important staff function needed to strengthen its leadership, improve the climate within the group, streamline its work approach, and raise its competence in order to better meet the organisation’s requirements on the function’s services.
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Prové’s leadership programme
Prové’s leadership programme creates conscious, resilient managers with leadership that makes the organisation an attractive employer, with satisfied customers and strong results.
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The model and method are adapted to the client’s situation
Prové uses standard and proprietary models and methods to bring about change. Many of them are used across areas of expertise. We have the skill and ability to assess the client’s needs, and take responsibility for creating the best combination for each project, ensuring that genuine change and desired effects occur.
Models and methods

Platform for group development
The aim of group development is to create efficient, sustainable groups that can take the occasional joiner or...
The aim of group development is to create efficient, sustainable groups that can take the occasional joiner or leaver, without too great an impact on the group’s overall delivery or wellbeing. Getting there requires a culture based on trust, good relations, an ability to give and receive feedback, so as to constantly improve, and a consensus on goals, strategies and assignments.

Turning words into actions
As employees, we are both required and have the opportunity to contribute to the development of the organisation....
As employees, we are both required and have the opportunity to contribute to the development of the organisation. Employeeship means that every individual has a responsibility to use their potential in the best way, to establish solidarity with colleagues and other business areas, to show care, respect and loyalty, and to play a part in their own and other people’s joy of working. Work in this area looks at personal attitude and how it affects developments, the importance of taking personal responsibility, and the ability to break ingrained patterns.

Leadership – at least four perspectives
Leadership entails leading in at least four perspectives: leading myself, leading individuals, leading groups and leading a project...
Leadership entails leading in at least four perspectives: leading myself, leading individuals, leading groups and leading a project within the organisation. Leadership is about achieving results through others, and understanding what needs to be done in the current situation with its prevailing circumstances, linked to the four perspectives. Encouraging people to grow and develop is what develops the organisation.

Facilitation of meetings is one of Prové’s most extensively used tools, and it lays the right foundation for...
Facilitation of meetings is one of Prové’s most extensively used tools, and it lays the right foundation for involving the client’s workforce. Facilitation is about planning and leading meetings in a way that engenders participation, creativity and an experience. The facilitator leads groups through the process of achieving results in line with agreed objectives, results that develop the participants and which they feel they can take ownership of.

Effect analysis
Prové’s proprietary effect analysis tool is a simple method focusing on the desired results of the change. Effect...
Prové’s proprietary effect analysis tool is a simple method focusing on the desired results of the change. Effect analysis creates a dialogue and a shared experience for everyone involved, and the ability to focus on the desired outcome generates positive energy. The result is an effect map, a visualisation for communicating regarding effects, and what needs to be done to achieve the desired outcome.
Change management
Expertise in leading individuals and organisations through change is crucial to achieving the desired effects of business development.
Organisational culture
Prové measures and develops the existing culture and core values of an organisation.
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