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Individual, group and leadership development

The potential in individuals and groups

People create change. By working in a focused way to develop the potential and effectiveness of individuals, groups and leaders, Prové creates the conditions to bring about change and genuinely increase operational benefit. We have long experience and quality-assured methods for individual, group and leadership development. Our methods are founded on experience-based learning. Participants build their power to go from words to action by reflecting and learning from their experiences.

Prové works according to the principles that trust is the basis for all development, faith in the responsibility of the individual and a constant focus on business benefit.


Models and methods

The model and method are adapted to the client’s situation

Prové uses standard and proprietary models and methods to bring about change. Many of them are used across areas of expertise. We have the skill and ability to assess the client’s needs, and take responsibility for creating the best combination for each project, ensuring that genuine change and desired effects occur.

Models and methods

Do you want to know more about Individual, group and leadership development? Please contact Karin Jonason: