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Organisational development

Complex challenges call for effective organisation

Efficient organisation is needed when dealing with complex challenges and changes in the wider environment. This makes the organisation a vital component in the operation’s management and governance systems. ​Organisational structure is often the foundation that motivates people to cooperate, and a clear allocation of roles and responsibilities, rules for decisions, and adaptation to the current or desired future culture are needed – whatever the organisational form.

Organisational development is a planned change steered by the management, encompassing all or parts of the organisation. Prové assists in the process of shaping and establishing organisational structures that support the operation’s working methods and assure effective cooperations, a sustainable working environment and delivery capacity.


Models and methods

The model and method are adapted to the client’s situation

Prové uses standard and proprietary models and methods to bring about change. Many of them are used across areas of expertise. We have the skill and ability to assess the client’s needs, and take responsibility for creating the best combination for each project, ensuring that genuine change and desired effects occur.

Models and methods

Do you want to know more about Organisational development? Please contact Katarina Årenberg: