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Agile working methods

Succeeding in a changing world

Companies and organisations today operate in a climate of rapid technological development, increasing competition and digitalisation. An ability to change is fundamental if you want to stay relevant to your customers – and that includes changing the organisation’s products and services, as well as structures, working methods and culture.

For many companies, adopting agile working methods and values has become the key to flexibility. An agile organisation plans and implements changes efficiently, often works across disciplines, and has working methods that continuously deliver well-developed products and services. Prové has many years’ experience of helping organisations establish working methods and a culture that enable them to develop in an agile world.


Models and methods

The model and method are adapted to the client’s situation

Prové uses standard and proprietary models and methods to bring about change. Many of them are used across areas of expertise. We have the skill and ability to assess the client’s needs, and take responsibility for creating the best combination for each project, ensuring that genuine change and desired effects occur.

Models and methods

Do you want to know more about agile working methods? Please contact Melker Härnälv or Åsa Jansson: